MVP - minimum Solution or MinimuM Problem?

Reserve your spot below on Meetup (in collaboration with Silicon Beach)

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM GMT+11

MVP with Robert | Meetup


MVP, Minimum Viable Product, has become a popular acronym for doing the right thing when planning a new product, whether you are in a startup or an established big company.

But what is a good MVP?

Is your MVP a minimum solution to a problem? or a solution to a minimum problem?

While many think of an MVP in terms of a solution, in this webinar we’ll be discussing the journey from a problem to a solution, and from a solution to an MVP that translates your solution to your market, and how this helps saving time and money in your journey to create a successful product in a successful business.

Bring your questions for the Q&A session!

If you have comments or would like to know more get in touch: Contact Us


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